The Best Health Tips For Vegans

Before significantly changing your diet in any way whether it be to a vegetarian, pescatarian,  Atkins, Keto or plant-based diet, it is important to educate yourself about some nutrition basics.  Here are my top 16 best health tips for vegans or anyone looking to be much healthier.  In this list I have excluded the obvious tips like quitting smoking, getting adequate sleep and staying hydrated as these are common sense.

16 Health Tips For Vegans

1. Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Omega 3 EPA and DHA, Iodine and Zinc Nutrients Are Less Common in Plant-Based Foods  

Don’t ignore these nutrients and think that eating just fruits and vegetables will give you all the nutrients you need to be healthy.  Choose the foods you like that include these key nutrients, but supplement them with vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, and Omega 3 EPA and DHA to ensure you consistently get these key nutrients.

2. Before Changing Your Diet, Consider If You Have Any Food Allergies Or Intolerances.  

If for instance, your body can’t tolerate legumes, or you have a nut allergy and you dislike tofu then you need to do some serious meal planning otherwise you might find a plant-based diet very challenging. The key to success with any diet is meal planning.

3. Vegan Junk Food Is As Bad For You As Regular Non-Vegan Junk Food

Try your absolute best to avoid highly processed vegan junk such as vegan candy, potato chips, pastries, cakes and foods with high added sugar and salt.  Unfortunately, most vegan substitutes like vegan eggs, sausages, burgers etc. are considered junk food and are not any healthier than the non-vegan versions as these contain either high sodium, fat or added sugar.

4. Learn A Couple Of New Vegan Recipes

There are tons of free YouTube recipes, blogs and apps which include almost every vegan recipe under the sun.  Make a list of dishes you would like to try and find a recipe that suits you.  Not knowing how to cook is going to make your vegan diet more difficult to stick to. Also, knowing how to cook your own plant-based food will save you a fortune.

5. Keep Your Pantry Stocked With Items With a Fairly Long Shelf Life

This may include foods such as canned beans, wholewheat pasta and other grains as well as a wide range of herbs and spices which can be used for unplanned meals. Remember to not overdo canned foods as these generally come packaged with high sodium.  

6. If You Drink Tea or Coffee With Milk, It Is Best That You Try All The Plant Milks

Not all brands of a particular milk taste the same, so it might take you some time to find the right one for you. I recommend starting with soy milk as I find it works best with tea and coffee and is the most nutritious. Obviously, the unsweetened plant milks will be healthier but with most brands, the amount of sugar added, is still less than the lactose sugar naturally contained in cow’s milk. The unsweetened plant milks might even still be too bitter-tasting for some. 

7. Go Through A List Of Plant-Based Superfoods and Find Ones You Like To Include In Your Diet Every Day

As a general guide, I would include berries, cruciferous vegetables, sweet potatoes, legumes, raw unsalted nuts, seeds, dark leafy greens, mushrooms and herbal teas. You might even find recipes that include most of these.

8. Try To Prepare Most Of Your Meals Yourself

Restaurants and fast food outlets overcharge for vegan food and their foods are normally loaded with extra fat or salt. If there are no vegan options when eating out except fries, it would be healthier to not eat anything than to have fries.

9. Prepare A List Of Relatively Healthy Dessert Or Snack Foods To Keep Prepared For When Cravings Kick In

Ideas could be foods like coffee, dark chocolate, unsalted nuts, roasted chickpeas, frozen banana ice cream or any snack recipes made from whole foods relatively low in calories, salt and sugar.

10. Most Store-Bought Vegan Cheeses Are Even Worse For Your Health Than Regular Dairy Cheese

The plant-based cheeses are normally made with coconut oil and potato starch and carry a huge load of saturated fat with no nutrients.  I would avoid these at all costs.  There are tons of nutritious homemade vegan cheese recipes which can be made with healthier ingredients. 

11. Try Your Absolute Best To Avoid White Refined Flour, Refined Oils, Even Olive Oil and Coconut Oil As Well As Refined Sugar

Just because the food is plant-based doesn’t mean it is healthy. These types of foods have little to no nutrition and come packed with calories.  When you start a plant-based diet, you will naturally consume more carbohydrates. You need to master controlling your blood sugar levels to control blood sugar spikes. Some quick hacks are to consume fibre before any high GI carb, try apple cider vinegar with water 20 minutes before a meal, only consume desserts or sweets after a meal and never consume high-GI foods on an empty stomach.

12. Prepare And Control Your Hunger

You will often be in social situations whereby everyone around you (non-vegan) may be eating something delicious that you used to enjoy before you were vegan, and you may be starving and tempted to give in.  At those times remember the main reason you went vegan, which is for the animals, use this to keep you mentally strong and focused on the core reason for you being vegan.

13. Make It a Priority To Kick Your Sugar Addiction

This will make it much easier to stick to a whole foods plant-based diet as you will not crave the rich high-calorie foods. This is a tough challenge but will be one of the most beneficial dietary adjustments when eating plant-based foods.  These days there are tons of new vegan sweet treats to try.  Don’t fall into this trap because the vegan treats are over-priced and not healthy.  

14. Try To Consume Dark Leafy Greens With Every Meal 

Leafy greens are a great source of fibre, calcium and iron and are very low in calories.  Including leafy greens with your meals could be one of the most beneficial health hacks anyone can do.  

15. Stock Up on Nutritional Yeast 

Some brands of nutritional yeast are fortified with vitamin B12 and other nutrients but all variants are high in protein.  Nutritional yeast is great for making sauces or adding a cheesy flavour to any dish and is so versatile with vegan cooking.

16. Freeze Your Over-Ripe Bananas  

Once your bananas are looking a bit over-ripe and squishy, put them into a freezer bag and freeze them.  The reason for this is that frozen bananas are great for smoothies, banana bread and various other healthyish dessert recipes.